by: Lynn Burns August’s fresh tomatoes and corn always INSPIRE me to make this simple and delicious dish that’s always a hit! INGREDIENTS: 1 can black beans (16 oz.), drained and rinsed 1 large diced tomato (or yellow / any variety) 2 – 3 ears of corn boiled then cut off the cob (or 1 canned corn 15 oz.) 1/2 cup red onion, diced 1 medium red pepper, diced 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar few drips

I’m honored to be a featured coaching expert giving advice on how to master the business side of coaching! Check out the HEALTH COACH SUCCESS SUMMIT! The need for quality health coaches continues to rise in America and yet so many coaches are calling it quits after a year or two of trying to build their coaching business. Here’s the thing…Most of us get into coaching because we want to make a difference. We desire to help people improve their health and their quality of life, but we aren’t prepared

Just as what we put in our bodies effects everything, so does what we put ON our bodies! Let’s remember our skin absorbs whatever we put on it. It’s a REALLY scary world out there when it comes to toxins in beauty products! I’ve searched relentlessly for years to find products that are truly safe, effective and that I also love!  Not an easy task. Enter Beauty Counter – these products are amazing.  It takes A LOT for me to truly believe in and give a product an LB Inspired “thumbs up”

Seasonal eating will do your body right! There is no mistake that these magnificent foods are provided for us when we need them. When eating seasonally you are nourishing yourself with the foods intended for living more in balance and in tune with nature’s rhythms. Foods that are freshly harvested are more alive and packed with nutrients and flavor. Seasonal foods are also typically are more affordable since they are readily available. BONUS! So it’s time to trade in those heavier cold weather foods for lighter springtime delights! There are

A Health Coach takes a whole approach to health, focusing on Nutrition and Lifestyle factors that create optimal health not only within your body but in areas of Relationships, Career, Physical Activity and Spirituality. Health Coaches are trained to educate and support people in living a healthier, balanced life.  In adopting healthy sustainable habits – goals in areas such as weight loss, less food cravings, better sleep, increased energy, balanced digestion, stress management, etc. can be accomplished.  Health Coaches are both a wellness authority and a supportive mentor. To find out more about hiring a Health Coach

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